Thursday, May 26, 2005

Macroinformation Precedent

From Howards End, by EM Forster, 1910
Love and Truth--their warfare seems eternal. Perhaps the whole visible world rests on it, and if they were one, life itself, like the spirits when Prospero was reconciled to his brother, might vanish into air, into thin air.I see macroinformation everywhere. I see the briefest glimpses of parallel understandings, such as when the Marsalises, Wynton, for example, say that jazz blends the combat of a devil with an angel (I paraphrase). But that Forster passage comes the closest, by far, of anything I've read, to my theory of the universe of Sentiens being constructed of macroinformation.
Light and dark model experience one way. Energy and matter model it more precisely. Macroinformation, information in conflict, coexisting, mutually forming discrepancies, properly developed--with feedback from thinkers--could model it with unprecedented completeness.

Further from Howards End:... the vague yet convincing plea that the Invisible lodges against the Visible ...I'll explain further another time.

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