Thursday, February 26, 2009

Macroinformation Keywords

abstract (/ concrete); aggregate; algorithm; ambiguity; analogic; anomaly (metadifference); art (epistemology ...); artifact; artifical


capacity (informational potential); category (type, kind, class); chaos; class (order, category, type); classification; cognition; communications; complexity; composite; compression (/ tension); concrete (/ abstract); construct; content; context; correspondence (pattern); cosmology; Creatura

data; deep structure (/ surface structure (linguistic)); definition (information); difference (different differences: metadifference, macrodifference); digital; dimension (informational dimension); discrepancy (informational metadifference); distinction (noting difference); dynamic (/ static)

eidetic; emergence; environment; epistemology (cosmology, philosophy, science, theology ... art); equilibrium; esthetic; existence; existential type (Pleroma, Creatura, Sentiens, Persona); explanation; explicit; extension; extension (/ intension)

finite (/ infinite); fovent; friction (informational: type, class ...); function


heuristic; hypothesis (... theory)

implicit; improbability (/ probability); infinite (/ finite); infocule (information-molecule); information (difference / probability, data, metadata, metainformation, synformation); informational construct; intension (/ extension); interaction; interdisciplinary; interpretation; irony (metadifference)
[Note that I mean the spelling of "intension": do not confuse intension with intention.]


language (semiotics, metainformation, synformation); law; levels (logic, type ...); linguistic structure; literature; logical type; logical type (category, class, type, taxon ...)

macro-; synformation; Synformation (theory of); macrouniverse (/ microuniverse); macrodecimal; map; matter (Pleroma); meaning (impossible without synformation); mental construct; metacontent; metadata; metadifference; metainformation; metaphor; microuniverse (/ macrouniverse); mind, mental; model (theory, explanation, tautology)

name; natural

obfuscation; objective (/ subjective); order; orthogonal; oscillation (cybernetic, informational)

paradym (paradym discrepancy); paradox (complex information); pathology; pattern; Persona; perspective (metadifference); phatic (informational atmosphere); philosophy; physical (/ abstract, intensional); physiology (biological information); Pleroma; politics (complex information); potential (potential difference, informational potential, informational voltage); probability (/ improbability); process (mental)

quality (/ quantity); quantity (/ quality)

random; real; relativity (/ absolutes); rhetoric

sanity (Korzybskian); science (epistemology ...); semantics; semiotics (signs, symbols); Sentiens; sets; sign (semiotics, symbol); spectrum (complexity, information ...); stasis; static (/ dynamic); structure; subjective (/ objective); surface structure (/ deep structure (linguistic)); symbol (semiotics, sign); symmetry; synecdoche; synergy (Gestalt, system, whole); synfo; synonymy; system (Gestalt, synergy, whole)

tautology; taxon; tension (/ compression); term; territory; theology (epistemology ...); theorem; theory (hypothesis ...); thing; theshhold (where difference is about to differ); time (dimension zero, the dimension before space, before information); type (order, category, class, kind)

universals; use

value; vectors


Key Names

Shakespeare (and all great sources of complex information), Gregory Bateson, pk (Paul Knatz), Claude S. Shannon, Norbert Wiener, Alfred Korzybski, Calabi-Yau (team), Kaluza-Klein (team), bkMarcus, Robert Anton Wilson, R. Buckminster Fuller, Marshal McLuhan, Ogden & Richards, Gordon Pask (and all the cyberneticists I've encountered), Humberto Maturana, Fritjof Capra, Mitchel Resnick, Denis Wood

pk Coinages
Macroinformation, synformation (as a synonym for macroinformation, Sentiens (the universe of sentience), Persona (the universe of the "person": the respected individual), Dementia (the universe of sentience making mistakes, telling lies), Geekoma (the universe of the denial of personhood), fovent (informational event), infocule (informational structure on analogy with molecules, atoms, particles, quarks, strings ...), metainformation (a specific level of meta-information), meta-difference, Sentiens (the class of sentience), Persona (on analogy with Pleroma, Creatura), cartamania, macrodecimal), synfo

Note: I coined the term "macroinformation" in 1999 and coined the synonym synformation in 2008. Pleroma and Creatura are Gregory Bateson's terms. I first called Persona "Humana." I first called Dementia "Pathologica."

I recently coined "Scientia" for the sunny side of Sentiens and needed a name for the sunny side of Persona, when I decided that I only needed names for the dark side of either: Dementia and Geekoma.

Geekoma, my most recent coinage, is a little flippant, but it will do for the moment. Feedback is of course welcome on all.

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