Sunday, November 13, 2005

Metadifferences: Mrs. Arnold

Mother-love is a corner stone of human values. It always has been.
Belief in judgment, in separating Chosen from goy, sheep from goats, believers from infidels ... is and has always been core in the foundation of the deisms most familiar to the world-wide West.

The Hellenes contrasted the land of the living with the land of the gods. They also contrasted the land of the living with the shadow place of the dead. So too did the Jews. Soo-too is now familiar throughout civilization: anyplace with excess supply, public records. Christians call it "heaven and hell": and so do I.

Now: We all agree that Benedict Arnold’s mother must have loved him. How sanguine are we about that love once he decided that his dignity as a knowledge capitalist (a civilized professional, a man of learning, a skilled soldier, trained for management) required that he get paid: preferring to get paid over dying broke for his rebelling kleptocracy? Will we tolerate Mrs. Arnold loving little Benedict after he’s been branded a traitor?

Lots of people stuck up for Nixon in 1971, ’72, ’73; how many stick up for Nixon in 2005? How are such loyalists treated by the turncoat majority who supported Nixon in 1971 but who don’t want to hear him mentioned in 2005?

If a mother burning in hell looks up past the brimstone and sees her little Willie shining from heaven, I don’t imaging people will object to her still loving him. But how about if she, dancing among clouds, beholds little Willie getting pitchforked from one cauldron to another?

When do we get to find out if Nixon is dancing among clouds or getting ’forked around?

I also want to know where we will be at the same time. And can there be any "we" if one portion is singing with the seraphs while the other is graduating among devils.

I love metadifferences. I love thinking up new ones.

PS Some abbreviated themes come to infect I hope you see the true relationship. K. has a Heaven and Hell section, though you’ll do better to just enter the terms in the Search field: because examples are scattered throughout. At, this sort of material has thus far gone among the Examples, particularly under the concept of Double Bind.
The thing is though, since all pk domains are on the same server, the Search feature will find matches wherever they are.

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